Our Time in the U.S.A.
While in the States we traveled from Michigan to California visiting relatives, friends and supporters. As we traveled across the country, we were able to visit Roger's nephew, Christopher and his family in St. Louis. We then traveled to Tulsa where we stayed in the home of close friends who used to live in Prague. We visited their home at the same time they visited our apartment in Prague.
Our YWAM coworker Miranda got married in Arizona to Mitchell, the son of longtime friends we have known in Prague. There was quite a reunion of Prazaks there! While traveling back to Michigan we were able to visit Roger's nephew James and his family who is a pastor in Sioux City.
Then, we were asked to officiate Robin's nephew's wedding in Washington State. It was a three-day event held on an Indian reservation on the Pacific Coast in Washington State.
Most of the people who attended the wedding were friends and colleagues of the bride and groom. People were moved to tears as we performed the marriage ceremony on the beach. People talked about how they sensed something during the ceremony. The Holy Spirit was certainly on the move. It was a blessing to have time with family during this joyous celebration!
We have been praying for and serving Ukrainians in the Czech Republic. It is heart-rending to hear about the destruction and more bombings.
Pastor Andriy and his wife Nadia from Lviv in Western Ukraine just spent the weekend with us in Prague. I met Pastor Andriy more than twenty years ago when he was a young pastor. During the years I have been invited to preach in his church and Andriy has visited the Czech Republic to visit a summer church camp and build relationships with other pastors and leaders. When the war started between Ukraine and Russia, I received some messages from Andriy about what was taking place in Lviv.
I have brought several loads of humanitarian aid into Ukraine since the war but in May we took a van loaded with nonperishable food and medical supplies to Lviv. I was able to meet with Andriy in Lviv and hear how Lviv was attacked by rockets. As you can imagine it was very difficult for Nadia, Andriy's wife, during the rocket attacks. They even lost their hearing for a while but are doing better now.
We were able to spend time with Andriy and Nadia, praying for them and encouraging them. We need to keep Andriy and Nadia in prayer as they are preparing to go back to Ukraine. I am planning to take another van load of supplies to Ukraine this fall.
Please keep us in your prayers as we pray and plan our next trip. We are still looking to bring in supplies and help those in Ukraine through the Ukrainian Relief Fund. Please mark those donations separately in you are interested in helping with those in need in Ukraine.

Josiah's Operation
As the result of Josiah's bicycle accident in October 2021 he needed reconstructive surgery on his right cheek bone.
We searched to find a maxillofacial surgeon for the type of operation he needed, and Calvin University medical department helped us make a connection with a hospital in Ann Arbor. It ended up he was able to meet with the head of the department.
At the beginning we were told that surgery would be sometime in the summer, probably at the end of August. When school started, we asked, "Could Josiah be on a waiting list just in case there was an opening at an earlier date?” They said they would call if something opened up.
Josiah had volunteered to be a counselor at the Hockey Ministries International Camp in Adrian. Unfortunately, the surgery date opened up in the middle of the camp. Robin spoke to our friend running the camp and found out that she knew the surgeon. Even more, the surgeon was now the head of the hockey association she represents!
When Josiah went to the hospital, the doctor said. "We have friends in common.” Josiah felt encouraged that they knew some of the same people and that he was a hockey player! The operation went really well, and we are thankful to the doctor and kind staff!
We have to buy separate health insurance for the kids while they are at University in the States. It covers 80/20 in network. Thankfully most of Josiah's operation was in network but it will still cost around $7,000. If you have it on your heart in any way to help with these expenses, it would be appreciated.
Thank You for Your Hospitality in the States
Thank you to everyone who opened your homes to us while traveling in the States. It was great to spend time with family and friends! We sure appreciated the meals and prayer times along the way as well. Thank you also to friends in Michigan who allowed us to borrow their vehicle to make the trek across the States! We want to thank you all for your generosity and hospitality. As you know we love having visitors in Prague! Come see us.
Prayer Points
Upcoming trip to Ukraine
Payment for Josiah's surgery $7,000
Finances to cover monthly heat and electric increases due to the war
Development of upcoming evangelistic creative outreach projects
Teaching and preaching in the fall
YWAM Central Europe area leaders meeting in Krakow—wisdom, strategies and encouragement
That we will grow in our Love and relationship with Jesus
HOW TO GIVE Christian Community Network of Churches
(or CCNC)
c/o Roger & Robin Harsh
5586 Olentangy River Road Columbus, Ohio 43235
The check should be made out to: CCNC for the Harshes *If a gift is to go directly to the Ukraine account, please make note of it.