We are preparing to visit Ukraine with humanitarian aid. Tomorrow morning, we will drive to Western Ukraine with a van load of greatly needed non-perishable food and medical supplies. More items to be added in the morning! Please pray that we are allowed to cross the Polish/ Ukraine border. Especially with all the amazing medical supplies that have been donated and we have purchased!
We are still accepting donations for the ongoing relief trips into Ukraine and local assistance with refugees. If you would like to make a donation towards the Ukrainian Relief Fund through the Harshes, please make note of it. We appreciate your prayers and partnership.
HOW TO GIVE Christian Community Network of Churches
(or CCNC)
c/o Roger & Robin Harsh
5586 Olentangy River Road Columbus, Ohio 43235
The check should be made out to: CCNC for the Harshes
*If a gift is to go directly to the Ukraine account, please make note of it.